This is as off-topic as all hell, but since we’re in the midst of a veritable orgy of ‘outing male sexist pigs,’ of various degrees of celebrity and malfeasance, I think it bears mention:

I’m pretty old, and out of touch with current sexual mores, but even I know the difference between a rapist and a person who fondles a female butt without permission. The first one is Bill Cosby; the second is the entire male population of Italy.

We have the appalling leadership we have now, in very large part, because of a wide-spread revulsion – mostly by men who haven’t raped anybody –against self-promoters who blow up small insults into major atrocities, solely for their own benefit.  We learn nothing, and we sit through the same classes over and over again. And cui bono, to use everyone’s favorite latin phrase.

We had the McMartin Pre-School hysteria in the 80’s. A few children were doubtless saved because symptoms were noticed; but so many innocent people were destroyed because ruthless prosecutors, out to make a reputation, railroaded them into jail. We had the astonishing phenomena of 16 year old boys listed as sex offenders for life because they were caught diddling their 14 year old girl friends by enraged parents.

We’re so much smarter now, eh?

This will pass. It always does, but while the madness persists a lot of people are going to do felony time for misdemeanors. We are the descendants, all of us, of men somewhere in the blood line who grabbed a knee or a thigh without asking for written permission, and a release, first.

We  live in a time of madness. But everyone thinks that, in every era, and they’re always right.

Here’s literal madness for you. Schizophrenia. Schizo affective disorder. Its everywhere, coming soon to your neighborhood. A Guardianship petition is filed; the Alleged Incapacitated Person has been hoarding for decades, his entire floor of the apartment building reeks of feces, or urine, the neighbors  smell it coming through their walls or floors, or he or she boils pots of water relentlessly, causing alarm that the entire place could burn down.

Adult protective services intervenes. They interview, cajole, sometimes do an industrial cleaning. But a schizophrenic thinks he’s right; he isn’t doing this to be mean.   The ton or so of plastic bags piled everywhere, including wet smelly garbage, are all cherished possessions. Don’t touch my stuff. The landlord wants his rent, or maybe he doesn’t care anymore about the money. He wonders why he has to put up with it, as do his other tenants.  A few landlords even (gasp!) care a great deal about the well-being of the schizophrenic tenant, who used to be sane, and a really nice guy, but the progressive nature of this cruel disease has brought things to a head.  Something must be done.

So, last resort, the City brings on a petition. It has a return date. The brave Mental Hygiene Lawyer [three cheers by the way; they’re state employees we should all be proud of, and it is frequently a very unpleasant job] treks out to the filthy, reeking apartment, interviews the AIP, and reports that he/she is perfectly lucid – well, lucid enough — and can participate in the hearing. Damn straight he understands what’s going on.  As his lawyer I can’t waive his appearance, Your Honor.

The Judge, with staff and court reporter, head out to the apartment, knock on the door, and the AIP refuses to let them in, in spite of the Court’s best efforts, dignified pleading and begging.  What to do?

The law says they are entitled to participate in their own hearing. This is a serious deprivation of rights we’re talking about here.

What do Judges do? Mostly, they call it a day. They tried. They aren’t going to get the marshal to break down the door, or drag the AIP into Court. Most of them won’t bother going out to the apartment at all. They’ll give the AIP a few chances to come in, and after it’s clear that they’re not coming, the show must go on. And so it does.

Or maybe they show up.  And then the new fun begins, because the Guardian – typically a non-profit agency that contracts with the City- has to try to get cooperation. More industrial cleanings, more Housing Court. Sometimes it works. More often, they are evicted anyway, sometimes right away, sometimes after a decade.  In the best cases, the place stays just clean enough, and they live out their lives unmolested by demons in their apartments and breath their last in a nursing home. This happens sometimes. Not a lot.

No. We don’t do schizophrenia well. We don’t handle these cases well from beginning to end.  It’s almost impossible to see how we could, if the AIP is truly determined to resist, and many of them are. And quite a few are very intelligent to boot.  Mostly it happens because they won’t take their meds, which sometimes would end the problem by itself.

The latest trend concerns jury demands.  The Court system in this year 2017, if you haven’t noticed, is thoroughly crappy and inefficient in delivering jury trials to all of the civil cases pending in the system, in which the parties truly want one.  Many have been voting with their feet, fleeing to mediation services, which is a topic for another day. We’re not any better in delivering guardianship jury trials. Now, all of a sudden, AIPs are demanding juries, which is their right [it’s printed in BIG TYPE on the petition].

Many mentally ill AIPs are unable to control themselves in front of juries. Query whether a person whose mental illness prevents them from preserving their dignity in front of the trier of facts is truly getting a fair trial.  Isn’t there an analogy here to not providing a physically handicapped, say a deaf person, with the resources needed to participate? Except there are no such resources known to current science to assist schizophrenics in these cases. Typically, they aren’t capable of seeing reality. So we are having a trial, but if a Guardian isn’t appointed, it’s a failure. So why have the trial at all?

These AIPs are typically the best witnesses against themselves, even if they don’t testify. If they decided not to show up for their trials, they would win 3 out of 4 jury cases. But the paradox is that, while so many refuse to show for their judge hearings, of those that do show up and demand a jury,  a large percentage of them absolutely relish appearing before a jury, sounding off about the great injustice being done to them, or more typically, wholly irrelevant incidents from their lives.

It gets worse. Another feature of the mental disorder is the inability of so many AIPs to get along with their court-appointed lawyers.  A few lodge outrageous charges with the disciplinary committee against their attorneys, who then have to report  the charges to their insurance carriers [“Yeah, its attempted murder.…again.”], as their reward for taking a pro bono appointment to assist the court.

We need to protect these lawyers, and soon, or we won’t be able to appoint anybody. Be honest: if your phone lights up and you can see that it’s the Judge who gave you the last such disaster case, would you pick up the phone? Not me, pal.

I like to think that, in one hundred years, the way we treat the mentally ill, as a society, will be condemned in the same manner that Our Enlightened Age views the Salem Witchhunt era. [You see how I came full circle? Brilliant.] We’ll have resources and remedies we don’t have now. Mental illness will be treated the same as  physical illness, and our sympathies will be the same for both.

But it’s not that time yet. The way we treat the mentally ill in Guardianship Court is ineffective and unsatisfying. We need a new law and new procedures that are tailored to this group, who should not be treated the same as children with birth defects or seniors with dementia. Face it; we just don’t know what we’re doing.


My Dog [to be read in a Steven Wright voice]

My dog is a registered sex offender.

He exposes himself in public, even to little children.

He licks his private parts while company is there.

I hired a sex addiction therapist, but he immediately ran up to her and sniffed her crotch.

She’s suing me.

He’s now banned, and has to remain 500 feet away from schools and public parks. The last one is tough. So we stay home a lot and watch movies together.

Last night we rented “Weiner.”